Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Food webs

Here are the food web diagrams I worked out for both the terrestrial and the aquatic ecosystem of Dark Waters. There will be some overlap between the two systems, but I figured the diagrams were complicated enough to begin with. According to diagrams I found on wikipedia, the accepted notation for food webs is A ---> B means that A --is eaten by--> B, even thought that seems a bit counterintuitive.

These may be somewhat subject to revision as I proceed with the project, but the general form of the web and relationship of the creatures should stay mostly the same. The names I'm using thus far are shorthand, and some of these creatures have been further developed than others. In some cases I'm using the name of an existing animal that has some of the traits I want to bring to my creature ("clownfish" for example, will not be a clownfish, but will have developed resistance to the sting of the giant jellyfish and therefore can live among its tentacles without fear of predators). The colors relate loosely to that creature's preferred diet. Red represents the top predator, and green and turquoise respectively represent herbivores or fish that eat plankton.

Terrestrial food web

Aquatic food web

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