Some more information about sturdy.
The titanocamelus
has a long giraffe-like tongue that is able to reach and clean the entirety of
the extended lower jaw, and is flexible enough to grab food pieces and pull
them into its mouth to be ground up by the functional molars. Sturdy lives in
the arid portion of the dome, traveling in small family groups or herds. They
are mainly preyed on by hopper. Although not naturally aggressive, sturdy can
be belligerent and may attack humans if they feel threatened, especially if the
group approached includes a young specimen. Young individuals have a less
developed hump and the extra teeth on the lower jaw take several years to fully
grow in, during which time they are protected and cared for by their herd.
Sturdy is difficult to domesticate, but can be hunted for food although this is
dangerous both to the hunter and those who would eat the meat, which can be
contaminated by hopper's deadly bacteria. Sturdy eats mostly a diet of fungi
that grow underneath rocks and plants in the arid area of the dome. These fungi
are most common near the nesting grounds, but are prevalent around the entire
dry portion of the dome. These fungi grow quickly, and without a healthy
population of sturdy to curtail their growth (sturdy eat a lot) they quickly
become problematic. This fungus grows mostly under things because it is more
difficult for sturdy to reach it there, although sturdy has evolved a clever
way to deal with that. The fungus maintains itself by lingering in the deepest
cracks and crevasses where even sturdy can't reach it.
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